Friday, August 12, 2011

The real meaning of gold

Hello guys again. I have heard MANY sad stories about how people are bullied because of money. Is gold THAT important? Gold in my eyes is a way to get money. And in my young eyes money is NOT good. People die homeless, wars start, and people suffer because of money.  People's lives are miserable because they don't have enough money to live on. I think people who don't buy gold are smart. They save their money for better things instead of an internet game.  So people out there who are bullied by their amount of gold just ignore it. Those who nothing better to do than pray on the less fortunate are sickening people who have no buissness in your life. Block out all of that junk and focus on the goal and don't let ANYBODY bring you down!


  1. Good Post Maya! I agree although many people may not.

  2. On how that last photo was saying you're better off without money. It's ironic...Because from head to toe you're equipped with gold items.

    The post is nice, though. :) Good job

  3. Ty but, I'd like to point out that i CHOOSE to buy gold. No one is entitled to buy anything. That is a choice....that gives me pleasure
